Sergio Caballero – Get to know our Research Team

In brief videos (English and Spanish) we introduce our excellent academic staff. The Jean Monnet Research Project “The reconfiguration of the EU presence in Latin America”  – in short: @EUinLAC – brings together an interdisciplinary team of young and established scholars, balanced in gender and age. We are glad to give insights on their expertise and research.

Today we present Sergio Caballero, University of Deusto in Bilbao, Spain:


Short bio – Sergio Caballero:

PhD in International Relations in 2012 (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), graduated in Law (2002) and in Political Sciences (2004) (UAM). Since 2016 he is professor at the Department of IR in the University of Deusto, Bilbao (Spain), where he has been Vice Dean as well as the Principal Investigator of the research team in “International Relations and Multidimensional Security”. His main research line include Latin American regional integration and Brazil foreign policy, as well as IR theories and EU-Latin American relations. You can access his publications here and here.

Breve bio – Sergio Caballero:

Doctor en Relaciones Internacionales desde 2012 por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) con calificación Summa cum laude y licenciado tanto en Derecho (2002) como en Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración (2004) también por la UAM. Profesor contratado doctor en la Universidad de Deusto desde 2016, donde ha sido vicedecano e IP del equipo de investigación. Sus principales líneas de investigación incluyen integración regional latinoamericana y política exterior de Brasil, además de debates teóricos de las RRII y relaciones UE-América Latina. Puede acceder a sus publicaciones aquíaquí.
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