EUinLAC Publications: Teaching Material

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The EUinLAC team is delighted to announce the publication of: “Learning and Teaching EU-Latin America and the Caribbean Relations. An open educational resource” (FAU University Press, 2023, with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme).

This is a full open access bilingual teaching tool to plan and deliver courses on EU-LAC relations. The material, consisting of lectures notes, slides, videos, reading suggestions and ideas for class debates and discussions can be downloaded for free.


El equipo de EUinLAC se complace en anunciar la publicación de: “Learning and Teaching EU-Latin America and the Caribbean Relations. An open educational resource” (FAU University Press, 2023, con el apoyo del Programa Erasmus+).

Se trata de una herramienta didáctica bilingüe de acceso abierto para planificar e impartir cursos sobre las relaciones UE-ALC. Los apuntes de clase, las diapositivas, los vídeos, las sugerencias de lecturas y las ideas para debates y discusiones en clase pueden descargarse gratuitamente.

Book Description:

This is not a simple text book. This is a complete teaching tool meant to provide lecturers in particular – but also students – with an interactive, bilingual, multimodality and cost free instrument to facilitate the teaching and learning of an understudied topic in international affairs such as EU-LAC relations. This teaching tool can be used as a full course or as complementary material for courses in a wide range of disciplines and subjects, from International Relations to EU and Latin American Studies, from Diplomacy and Foreign Policy Analysis to International History, Regionalism, Governance or more specific topics discussed in the teaching tool. Furthermore, this tool is designed for lecturers with students of all level from BA upwards. This means that the lecturer has the possibility to go more or less deep into the topics and make content more or less sophisticated. The material is equally suitable to teach university students at BA, MA and PhD level and professionals, to train diplomats, ministerial staff or journalists and local administrations officials. The contributors thought of this teaching tool as an all-round functional instrument for lecturers of different kind, level, and background addressing diverse audiences.

Book Details:

Author: Gian Luca Gardini (Ed.)
Title: Learning and Teaching EU-Latin America and the Caribbean Relations. An open educational resource
ISBN: 978-3-96147-672-5