Jaime León González – Get to know our Research Team

In brief videos (English and Spanish) we introduce our excellent academic staff. The Jean Monnet Research Project “The reconfiguration of the EU presence in Latin America”  – in short: @EUinLAC – brings together an interdisciplinary team of young and established scholars, balanced in gender and age. We are glad to give insights on their expertise and research.

Today we present Jaime León González, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany:


Para ver el vídeo en castellano, pulse aquí (Enlace Youtube).

Have a look at his Twitter to get an idea about his work and daily acitivities: @jalego_

Short bio – Jaime León González:

Jaime León is a researcher and teaching assistant in international relations at the Chair of International Business and Society Relations with a focus on Latin America at the Friedrich-Alexander Erlangen-Nuremberg University, as well as a PhD Candidate. His research focuses on Germany’s foreign policy towards Latin America, the role of actors and decision-making. Mr León has been manager of the project “International developments in the 21st century – Where is Latin America in World politics?” He was also responsible for the creation and implementation of the project “Latin America: History, Politics and Society”. Both projects were funded by the Bavarian Virtual High School (VHB) which unites 32 universities. He has previously taught at the University of Bayreuth in Germany.

Breve bio – Jaime León González:

Jaime León es investigador y profesor asistente en relaciones internaciones en la Cátedra de International Business and Society Relations con foco en América Latina en la Universidad Friedrich-Alexander Erlangen-Nuremberg, así como candidato doctoral. Su investigación se centra en la política exterior de Alemania hacía América Latina, el papel de los actores y la toma de decisiones. El Sr. León ha sido director del proyecto “Desarrollos internacionales en el siglo XXI – ¿Dónde está América Latina en la política mundial?”, así como responsable de la creación e implementación del proyecto “América Latina: Historia, Política y Sociedad”. Ambos proyectos financiados por la Universidad Virtual de Baviera (VHB) que agrupa a 32 universidades. Anteriormente ha trabajado en la Universidad de Bayreuth en Alemania.


E-mail / Correo electrónico: jaime.leon@fau.de

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